Part 4: The Thinker
This topic will discuss the psychic development of the human being between the ages of six and
twelve. Understanding the goals, needs and tendencies of the school age child allows adults to
nurture their potential and powers during this stage of their development that is marked by the
blossoming of reasoned, abstract thought.
Part 5: The Humanist
This topic will discuss the psychic development of the human being during the teenage years
from twelve to eighteen. Understanding the goals, needs and tendencies of the adolescent allows
adults to gently nurture the potential and powers of young people as they construct their moral
selves during this tumultuous stage of development.
Part 6: Adults Capable of Love
The final topic in this module briefly discusses the psychic development of young adults in the
fourth plane of development. It also touches on human development in the universities, as well as
the care of elderly adults in Montessori aged care environments. Finally, this lesson looks at how a
deep understanding of human development will inspire a deep love and reverence for the young
human, a love which will transform the adult who is lucky enough to find themselves in the role of
their guide.