Course Overview

The course contains four modules, each of which starts with an engaging short video of 10-15 minutes containing lots of illustrative photographs, then recaps that information with interactive reading and interactive activities.

  • PART 1: The Child is Our Teacher

    This topic will discuss the difference between young animals, which are guided by instincts, and young humans, who are born with potential. Human potential is realised through the power of the Absorbent Mind.

  • PART 2: The Absorbent Mind

    This topic will discuss the characteristics of the Absorbent Mind and the needs of the child between birth and age six. It addressed the question of how caring adults can nurture the potential and powers of the young child during this stage of their development.

  • PART 3: Dawn of the Reasoning Mind

    This topic will discuss the characteristics of the Reasoning Mind as it appears in older children and adults. It looks at how the human mind in this stage of development is different to the Absorbent Mind, and how adults can nurture the potential and powers of the 6 to 12 year-old child during the later stages of human development



  • PART 4: The Child's Cosmic Purpose

    This topic will discuss the psychic development of the human being between the ages of six and twelve. Understanding the goals, needs and tendencies of the school age child allows adults to nurture their potential and powers during this stage of their development that is marked by the blossoming of reasoned, abstract thought.

Course curriculum

    1. PART 1: The Child is Our Teacher

    2. PART 2: The Unconscious Creator

    3. PART 3: Dawn of the Reasoning Mind

    4. PART 4: The Child's Cosmic Purpose

About this course

  • $189.00
  • 4 lessons
  • 8 Hours

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